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Physician Perspectives on Taking Vacation: 

A G-Med Insight Report

G-Med analyzed peer-to-peer physician discussions around taking vacation to gain real-world insights into physician burnout.


Physician burnout is an enormous challenge facing healthcare globally but not enough is being done to mitigate its prevalence. G-Med analyzed organic data from peer-to-peer conversations on its gated physician-only platform to uncover trends in healthcare professionals’ (HCPs) approaches towards taking vacation, aiming to better understand how healthcare organizations can support their physicians and combat burnout.

The report includes:

  • Assessment of the prevalence of physician burnout and how it effects healthcare

  • Analysis of physician habits and attitudes regarding vacations, including snippets of real-world conversations between HCPs

  • The breakdown of a poll of 240 physicians from around the world regarding taking annual vacation

  • Definition of what true vacation is

  • Introspection from physicians on missing out vacation time

  • Quotes and insights from physicians on burnout in general

  • An understanding of G-Med’s role in addressing physician burnout

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